
The Garden outreach continues to grow and thrive.  We just had our annual Holiday Market and were able to activate the new space next to Dollar General.  It was a labor of love but this allowed us to go from 12 vendors to over 30.  It was beautiful.  And even though we got cold, snowy weather, it was sort of perfect to get people into the holiday spirit. 

We have been able to create a community with our vendors that has allowed us to create some lasting relationships and share the love of Christ directly with them.  Please pray we can continue to share Christ and His saving grace with them and their families!

Though we don’t know exactly what the future holds, we know the One who holds it.  And as we wait this Advent for our Savior to return, we do not wait in lethargic indifference but with great hope and expectation, cheerfully preparing for His coming by doing the work of His Kingdom.  God bless you as we join Jesus on HIS mission.  

~ Chad Van Meter


Service Projects


Giving Changes Lives