We welcome you to join us for our children’s ministry program, Kidwise (ages 4-5th grade) and Nursery (ages 3 and under) available during the Saturday service and Sunday Equipping Hour between services. We actively involve and equip parents to be the primary faith guides in their children’s lives by supporting, encouraging, and connecting them with their extended church family.


Welcome Akasha!

Hello! My name is Akasha Kinley and I am the Kidwise Leader for this year. I work in the Kids Care program at Holy Cross where some of you may know me. You may also know me as the daughter of Stephanie Kinley, HC’s Deaconess Intern & School Counselor. I am a student of Ivy Tech focusing on my General Studies.




“Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIrV



NURSERY (ages 3 & under)

Our Nursery area is located in the Welcome Center/Narthex area. We ask that an adult is with your little ones in the area. This area is also used for a preschool room so please pick up after your children are finished. Thank you!

KIDWISE (ages 4-5th Gr)

Please ‘Check In’ your children in the Welcome Center.

SATURDAY: Children are dismissed during the service and picked up by parents after the service in the cafeteria.

SUNDAY: Children attend during the Equipping Hour on Sunday mornings @ 9:30 between services.


What is Equipping Hour?

Here at Holy Cross, we want to be intentional about equipping our partners in their faith, so we are providing a time called, Equipping Hour, for this very task. We have planned to hold four sessions, each being five weeks in length. During these sessions, we will have 3-4 different opportunities for teens and adults to grow in their faith, check our blog for current classes.