New Beginnings
We welcome Jessica Dore as our new Director of Admissions and Jenna Hoffman, ourInterim Assistant Principal. Read a little bit more about them below.
Jessica Dore, Director of Admissions
I grew up in Crown Point, IN also knownas Northwest Indiana. I attended PurdueUniversity and received a Bachelors inHuman Services. From there I moved toMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts where Ihave lived the past 10 years! I love beingon the beach and by the water. Whilethere, I grew my passion for childdevelopment and community outreach. Irecently moved home to Indiana and feltFort Wayne was a great fit as my family isin the area. My family introduced me toHoly Cross and I truly believe God waswatching over me as I have become a partof this team. I am blessed to be back inIndiana and be able to make a difference.
Jenna Hoffman, Interim Assistant Principal
I was born and raised in Fort Wayne andcontinue to call this wonderful city homewith my husband and two daughters. Mydaughters, Paisley and Brynnlee, attendHoly Cross so it is a very exciting time forus to all be at the same school. Paisley isin the first grade and Brynnlee is inKindergarten. I look forward to meetingand getting to know many of you from thiscongregation.