Come be Equipped

We will begin a new session offering two new and unique classes on Jan. 12 - Feb. 9.Equipping Hour is on Sundays at 9:30 am between services and is fellowship andlearning time with others.

"Bible Illumination" will be an opportunity to creatively express a Bible verse inpictures that relate to you the meaning of the verse. Illumination means to "light up"and in this context to highlight the text as you mediate on the Word of God. Adultsand children ages 10+ are welcome to join us in the Art Room with Diana Fair.

"Major Prophets in the Old Testament" The Old Testament was writtenthousands of years ago in a different language and culture. There is so much to gleanfrom its history and wisdom, but until we understand the historical realities of whatwas going on, so much of the Old Testament misses its potential mark. Vicar ChadVan Meter will lead a class on exploring the astounding, captivating, and surprisinghistory of God’s people in the school library.

Kidwise for children ages 4 - 5th grade in the cafeteria is offered during this time.


No Town Hall


New Beginnings