Gyspy Missions

Because I spent the month of September in Europe I thought it best to write you a short report on what the Lord is doing there as we partner with Hans-Martin Dern in Germany and The Olejar family in eastern Slovakia.

First, in Germany Hans is trying to find more workers to serve among the Sinti Gypsies in Germany. Their customs and traditions have created many barriers to the work but Hans remains a faithful leader. In eastern Slovakia the Olejars continue to enroll Gypsy children in the church school in Rožnava and now have 30 students. The barrier here is that most white families aren’t willing to enroll their children in a school with so many Gypsies. The Olejar’s continue to encourage white people even as they minister to Gypsy children and their families.

Second, with the money you sent (approx $30,000) the Olejar’s were able to build a refugee camp that included medical care, placement services, food and water, spiritual care and even toys fo the children. Some Lutheran families in Rožnava even hosted some of the Ukrainian refugees until they could make their way to Poland and Germany where there are better economic prospects.

The Dern’s and the Olejar’s are extremely grateful for your partnership. There were many tears of thanksgiving and they were really overwhelmed with the support, the money, but mostly your friendship.

I also thank you for your love and concern for our people, the Gypsies.

God bless you,

Pastor Larry Merino

P.S. Join Pastor Larry and Linda in prayer for the Lord to lay upon the heart of an individual or individuals to consider serving the Gyspy mission by relocating to Slovakia for one or more years.


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