Come & Be Equipped

Here at Holy Cross, we are going to be more intentional about equipping our partners for the very task of accomplishing our mission to be a light to the world. Starting in September, we are so excited to share that we will be kicking off an Equipping Hour on Sunday mornings, in between the first and second services. In order to make the time we need, we will be bumping early service to 8:15 am, and second service to 10:45 am. Equipping Hour will be from 9:30 - 10:30 am. In this first year, we are planning to hold five sessions, each being six weeks in length.

During these sessions, we will have about 4-6 different opportunities for you to grow in your faith. We’ll have a traditional Bible Study. Short classes in apologetics. Seasonal hymn studies. Learning to play handbells to enhance worship. Classes on "Joining Jesus on His Mission". On sharing our faith. Art classes where you can make art while exploring your faith.

On Sundays, Kidwise Children's Program (ages 4 - 5th Grade) will happen during this time, to allow parents to attend their own classes without worrying about who will take care of their kiddos. We’ll have a nursery for the real little ones (ages 0-3). And all of this will give you the opportunity to grow in your faith, according to your needs and interests. Some classes are deeper learning. Some are fun. But all of them will grow your faith in Christ. So join us this fall. And come and be equipped!

~ Pastor Dan Harrington, Executive Pastor


Equipping Our Children


Beverly Stein’s Retirement