Vicar & Deaconess Intern
Chad Van Meter (vicar) and Stephanie Kinley (deaconess intern) have been assigned to Holy Cross by Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne). “Vicar” is a term used by our church body for a full-time pastoral intern. After completing his vicarage, Chad will be eligible for ordination into the Office of Pastor in The Lutheran Church– Missouri Synod.
Van Meter Family (as pictured) Roman, Julian, Evie, Lesa, Chad, Miela, Chyim
Stephanie Kinley will be helping Holy Cross with our care ministry including a mental health focus in our school. She is a licensed mental health counselor with about 20 years of experience in the field. Specialties include working with children and young adults in several behavioral therapies as she has worked collaterally with community leaders and organization. Stephanie is married to Daniel Kinley who is entering his final year of preparation for the pastoral ministry. She has two children, Michael (3rd Grade) and Emmeline (preschool) who attend Holy Cross, and her older daughter, Akasha, works in our Kids Care. We will have an installation service later this summer to formally recognize Chad & Stephanie.
Kinley Family (as pictured) Michael, Daniel, Akasha, Stephanie, Emmeline