Explanation of Vote

Our congregation approved five items on June 2.  The actions and what they mean include:

1. Amount to spend on renovation and expansion. $15 million

This resolution passed on the second ballot.  The first ballot offered three choices to the 156 voters present -- $0 Do not proceed (12% of voters), $9 million (42%), $15 million (46%).  The run-off ballot was between $9 million (42%) and $15 million (58%).  

Church leadership interprets this vote as permission to spend up to $15 million.  The Board Policy Manual of our congregation -- found at holycrossfw.org > CHURCH > ABOUT US > Board Policy Manual -- places limitations upon the Senior Pastor that prevent him from allowing the ministry to be placed in financial jeopardy (SPL-4.5, 4.7, 5.3, 6.5).  SPL-7.2 prevents the Senior Pastor from financially supporting the capital project by reducing worker compensation.

Moneys contributed and pledged through the capital campaign will determine how much work can be done and when that work will be accomplished.  We probably will accomplish the work in phases.

2. Engage with Craig Miller of Horizons to lead our Capital Campaign.  Yes

Craig Miller of Horizons Stewardship (https://www.horizons.net/craig-miller) has been retained to provide counsel for our capital campaign.  He has successfully served Holy Cross in two previous campaigns -- Holy Hearts, Holy His (2008 -- Building remodeling/construction) and Making Mission Possible (2011 -- Debt reduction).  He already has assisted Holy Cross in our current effort with Case Statement Development and a feasibility study.  He now will help us plan further, execute, and manage this major fundraising effort.

A capital campaign steering committee with congregation and school sub-committees is being recruited and trained this Summer.  Further, a calendar of strategic activities is being put together.  The campaign will go public in August.

Anytime a congregation attempts to raise an ambitious amount of money, the question is raised regarding the wisdom of paying for fundraising counsel.  Is he or she worth it?  Why not do it on our own?  Advantages to hiring outside counsel are many (https://nonprofitquarterly.org/should-we-hire-a-fundraising-consultant/), not the least of which is adding needed accountability to the effort.  The experience of nearly all congregations, including your Senior Pastor's experience, testifies to the importance of outside fund raising counsel (https://www.ascendstewardship.com/why-doing-your-own-capital-campaign-will-lose-you-money).  Another big plus: Craig's past efforts for Holy Cross have resulted in spiritual growth in addition to securing necessary funds.

This is not "magic."  Holy Cross will succeed in this effort if (a) we look to God as the source and strength for all that we possess, (b) we look to our Savior as the pattern and power for sacrificial giving, and (c) we view our gifts to this campaign as extraordinary, above-and-beyond our regular giving.  This is why we will encourage pledges -- monthly/quarterly/annual gifts extended over three-to-five years.  Multi-year pledges, by God's grace, will allow us to maximize our gifts to this effort. 

3. Engage with LCEF for another contract to continue with the project.  Both Church/School and North Anthony Shopping Center

Please look for further information on Resolution #3 in a future Holy Cross BLOG.

4. Spend up to $400,000 for new windows in school classrooms, and spend up to $675,000 to repair the flat roof of church and school.  Yes

Please look for further information on Resolution #4 in a future Holy Cross BLOG.

5. Raise our line of credit from $300,000 to $600,000.  Yes

Please look for further information on Resolution #5 in a future Holy Cross BLOG.


VBS Recap


Update on Pr. Don Henry