Children’s Ministry
It has been such a blessing and privilege to serve as the Children’s Ministry Director for Holy Cross! As I approach my second year of leading the Children’s Ministry, I am struck by several things. One of them being thankfulness.
I am thankful for where God has placed me, not everyone is so lucky to have a job so wonderful and fun-filled, that they occasionally forget they have a job at all! Being the Children’s Ministry director truly does not feel like a “job” that I have to do, it is my privilege and blessing to be here, for that I am so incredibly thankful. I am also thankful for ALL the smiles, energy and sheer joy that the children bring to Kidwise each week. Here at Holy Cross we are truly BLESSED to have such a kind and caring group of children, that group includes my youth volunteers as well. Our program would not be possible without their help, and they volunteer because they have a love for God and a servant’s heart.
With the theme of thankfulness, I have asked several students what they are thankful for at Kidwise, and here are a few responses…
Eating candy
Learning about God
Doing crafts
Playing in the Gym
Seeing my friends
When we get to eat snacks
Playing games
Playing outside
At Kidwise, we are thankful for not only the big things, but also the little things! We are also thankful for the warmer weather and summer. However, with summer approaching, we will be taking a brief break from Kidwise and returning again in September after Labor Day. In the meantime, I encourage you to think of your blessings and those things that you are thankful for and share that thankfulness with God and your family!
~ Melissa Gillespie
VBS is coming soon!
Join us from 9-11:30 am on June 19-23, Kids ages PK - 5th Grade